Course Types

Types of Secondary School courses


Academic courses draw more heavily on theory and abstract examples and problems. In an academic course, you will learn the essential concepts of a subject and explore related materials as well. Although your knowledge and skill in the subject will be developed through both theory and practical applications, the emphasis will be on theory and abstract thinking as a basis for future learning and problem solving.


Applied courses focus more on practical applications and concrete examples. An applied course covers the essential concepts of a subject. Knowledge and skills will be developed through both theory and practical applications, but the focus will be on practical applications. Familiar, real-life situations will be used to illustrate ideas and students will be given more opportunities to experience hands-on applications of the concepts you studied.

In subjects such as healthy active living education, computer applications, integrated technologies visual arts and instrumental music, all students will take the same type of course – an open course.

college preparation

College preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for college programs. The range of courses offered and the content of these courses will allow students to prepare for most college programs and related careers. Teaching and learning will emphasize concrete applications of the theoretical material covered in the course, and will also emphasize the development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. All college preparation courses will be based on rigorous provincial curriculum expectations and will emphasize the development of both independent research skills and independent learning skills. Courses will also require students to demonstrate that they have developed these skills.

university preparaton

University preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs. The range of courses offered and the content of these courses will allow students to prepare for university programs and related careers. Teaching and learning will emphasize theoretical aspects of the course content but will also include concrete applications. All university preparation courses will be based on rigorous provincial curriculum expectations and will emphasize the development of both independent research skills and independent learning skills. Students will also be required to demonstrate that they have developed these skills.

university/College preparation

University/College preparation courses include content that is relevant for both university and college programs.These courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for specific university and college programs. The range of courses offered and the content of these courses will allow students to prepare for college and university programs and related careers. Teaching and learning will emphasize both theoretical aspects and related concrete applications of the course content. All University/College preparation courses will be based on rigorous provincial curriculum expectations and will emphasize the development of both independent research skills and independent learning skills. Students will also be required to demonstrate that they have developed these skills

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